Danylo Tolmachov
Danylo is Sr. Director of Software Engineering at Techstack and a distinguished Leaders Excellence at Harvard Square Member, which exemplifies his commitment to professional growth and leadership. With a passion for transforming ideas into reality, he is driven by a relentless pursuit of delivering valuable solutions while upholding the highest standards of excellence. Danylo's dedication to innovation and attention to detail ensure that every product under his direction is nothing short of exceptional.
Danylo is proficient in a multitude of programming languages, including JavaScript/TypeScript, C#, and Clojure. His proficiency extends to mobile app development, where he leverages React Native to craft seamless Android and iOS applications. Regarding web technologies, Danylo is well-versed in various frameworks, such as React, Angular, Gatsby, and AngularJS. His arsenal includes NodeJS, ExpressJS, Socket.io, .NET Web API, and Ring, enabling him to build scalable and performant backend systems.
Danylo's holistic understanding of the tech stack empowers him to lead and collaborate effectively with diverse teams, bridging the gap between technology and business requirements. As a natural problem-solver and mentor, he encourages an environment of constant learning and growth where team members can thrive and contribute their best.
Danylo is Sr. Director of Software Engineering at Techstack and a distinguished Leaders Excellence at Harvard Square Member, which exemplifies his commitment to professional growth and leadership. With a passion for transforming ideas into reality, he is driven by a relentless pursuit of delivering valuable solutions while upholding the highest standards of excellence. Danylo's dedication to innovation and attention to detail ensure that every product under his direction is nothing short of exceptional.
Danylo is proficient in a multitude of programming languages, including JavaScript/TypeScript, C#, and Clojure. His proficiency extends to mobile app development, where he leverages React Native to craft seamless Android and iOS applications. Regarding web technologies, Danylo is well-versed in various frameworks, such as React, Angular, Gatsby, and AngularJS. His arsenal includes NodeJS, ExpressJS, Socket.io, .NET Web API, and Ring, enabling him to build scalable and performant backend systems.
Danylo's holistic understanding of the tech stack empowers him to lead and collaborate effectively with diverse teams, bridging the gap between technology and business requirements. As a natural problem-solver and mentor, he encourages an environment of constant learning and growth where team members can thrive and contribute their best.