Custom Software Development Services

At Techstack, we create custom software development solutions that drive innovation and efficiency for your business. Our experienced team combines cutting-edge technology with expert execution and in-depth domain knowledge to deliver high-quality, scalable, and secure software solutions.

At Techstack, we create custom software development solutions that drive innovation and efficiency for your business. Our experienced team combines cutting-edge technology with expert execution and in-depth domain knowledge to deliver high-quality, scalable, and secure software solutions.


Techstack’s Strengths in Custom Software Development

As a leading custom software development company, we have an impressive track record that speaks for itself. We excel in delivering tailored software solutions to diverse industries, surpassing partner expectations, and effectively addressing their pain points.

From MVP to unicorn product

Our 7-year partnership has been the catalyst for our partner's exponential growth, taking them from just another MVP to a roaring unicorn product, an achievement of true distinction in the modern business landscape.

Five-star reviews

It's a testament to the quality of our custom software development services that comply with high standards. We consistently earn five-star ratings on Clutch by delivering on time, fostering open communication, and showcasing our technical expertise. Our clients value these qualities and recognize the exceptional service we provide.

First-hand cross-domain expertise

Our team of tech experts has diverse and invaluable first-hand cross-domain expertise. With hands-on experience in various business domains such as manufacturing, business management, and beyond, we bring a wealth of knowledge and insight to the table.


Custom Software Development for Your Product

Techstack is more than a custom software development company, it’s a community of 170+ talented engineers that share a passion for quality. No matter what condition the product is given to us in, we build processes and change the codebase in a way that leads to the highest product quality.


Product MVP Development

Our custom software development team takes your idea, divides it into pieces and implements it in an MVP ready for market fit testing. We begin with understanding your users, move to the creation of a prototype to collect actionable feedback, and then take it to the final stage of the MVP development that is tailored to your business validation needs.


Scaling Software Product Team and Processes

Our goal is to help businesses grow and succeed. We have a team of experts who are always ready to help businesses find the right solution for their needs. They can be ready-made patterns in various application areas or completely new types of tasks especially important for startups.


Enterprise Software Development

Our team of experienced developers can create custom solutions that are tailored to your enterprise needs. We can help you design, build, and scale your enterprise infrastructure. Leverage our experience in using technologies for digital transformation to create new or modify existing business processes.


Industry-Specific Software Development

We can help you improve critical facets of your business. Whether in the healthcare, retail, or manufacturing industry, we have the knowledge and experience to help you innovate your niche. With our custom software product development services, you'll be able to streamline processes, improve communication and collaboration, and get a competitive edge.


Custom Development Services We Provide

Techstack team sizes vary from small to large, and the products we work on vary from startups to big enterprises with unique collaboration models and processes. Our goal is to achieve maximum performance, keep a healthy culture and deliver a quality product to the end user.


Mobile Development

We can provide a dedicated team for your mobile application development or team extension for an existing product.


Back-End Development Services

We optimize server environments, offer technical audits, and excel in API integration, all while catering to various software products.


Front-End Development Services

Our expertise in front-end development solutions ensures the creation of seamless, scalable, and user-centric applications.


Cloud App Development

Build a cloud-based application that leverages cloud features and services offered by cloud vendors.


Big Data & Analytics

Integrate data analytics to monitor its use or gather other insights.


UX/UI Design

Get an intuitive and attractive user interface that will make your business accessible to users and help you achieve your business goals.



Integrate AI into your software product or develop one for offline usage.


Internet of Things

Build an IoT ecosystem for your solution from scratch leveraging our experience.


Building Software Products from Scratch

Leverage our experience in building software products from scratch and POC product ideas.


QA as a Service

Get custom and flexible QA-related services on demand at a specific stage of product development.


Custom Software Development Consulting

Optimize your processes and technology to build better products faster.


Digital Transformation

Transform your business by leveraging the power of our tailored software development services and collaborating with our experienced team to make a meaningful impact.


Technology Stack

We offer an extensive tech stack tailored to your specific business needs. With a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and cutting-edge technologies at our disposal, we pick up a powerful mix of technologies to ensure the success of your software product. Our experienced team ensures the semantic richness of each project, providing quality and efficiency in each development phase.

Programming Languages

  • JavaScript (JS)
  • TypeScript
  • Python3
  • C#
  • F#
  • PHP
  • Java
  • Kotlin

Server-Side Technologies

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Nest.js
  • .NET Web API
  • .NET Framework
  • .NET 6
  • Entity Framework
  • Laravel: PHP web application framework
  • Django
  • Flask
  • FastAPI
  • Tornado
  • Sanic
  • Aiohttp

Database Technologies

  • MongoDB
  • RealmDB
  • DocumentDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Aurora
  • RDS
  • Firebase


  • SNS
  • Kinesis
  • RabbitMQ
  • Apache Kafka


  • REST
  • GraphQL


  • Redis
  • Memcached
  • Elasticache

Unit testing

  • C#: NUnit,,  Moq,  Fluent Assertions
  • JavaScript / TypeScript: Jest, Mocha, Chai, Sinon.js
  • Python: unittest,  pytest, mock, nose2
  • Java: JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Hamcrest

SDLC enabling technologies

  • CI/CD with: AWS Pipelines, Gitlab CI, Serverless framework, Github Actions
  • Terraform
  • Kubernetes


  • Windows Services
  • Windows drivers
  • IIS Server
  • Linux Servers stacks

Scripting and Miscellaneous

  • Bash scripting
  • Mac related programming


  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript

State Management

  • Redux
  • Redux Toolkit
  • MobX
  • MobX State Tree
  • Vuex/Puex
  • Recoil


  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • Figma
  • Tailwind
  • Material UI
  • Styled Components
  • Sketch
  • Adobe XD
  • Zepplin
  • StoryBook

Web Optimization & Analytics

  • Page Speed Index
  • Lighthouse
  • Sentry
  • TrackJS
  • Amplitude
  • Segment
  • Log Rocket
  • Google Analytics


  • ReactJS
  • Next.js
  • Angular
  • Vue
  • AngularJS

Build Tools

  • Vite
  • esbuild
  • swc
  • webpack
  • NX

Rich Content

  • Canvas
  • Charts
  • D3.js
  • WebGL
  • Lottie
  • Real-time updates (Web Socket, Server Push, SSE)

Content Management

  • Headless CMS (StoryBlock, Contentful, etc.)
  • Retool
  • Ghost Blogs


  • Languages: Java/Kotlin
  • IDE: Android Studio
  • Software Development Kit: Android SDK
  • UI: XML
  • Builder: Gradle
  • Components: Android Jetpack
  • DB: SQLite, Room, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase Firestore
  • Network: Retrofit, OkHttp, Firebase
  • Test: JUnit, Mockk
  • Release: Google Play Market


  • Languages: Swift/Objective-C
  • IDE: Xcode
  • Software Development Kit: IOS SDK(UIKit, Foundation, Core Data)
  • UI: Storyboards, Interface Builder and Auto Layout (UIKit, SwiftUI)
  • Builder: Cocoapods
  • Components: Cocoa Touch
  • AR/ML: ARKit and Core ML
  • Test: XCTest
  • Release: App Store

React Native

  • Languages: JavaScript / TypeScript
  • UI: Styled components, Tailwind
  • Builder: Gradle / Cocoapods
  • Components: RN Paper, RN Elements, RN UI Kitten, NativeBase, Material UI Kit
  • State Managers: MobX, MobX State Tree, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Zustand, Context


  • Development Area: Native, Expo
  • Test: Jest, Enzyme, React Native Test Library
  • Release: App Store / Google Play Market


  • Languages: Dart
  • UI: Material / Cupertino
  • Builder: Gradle / Cocoapods
  • Components: Flutter Widgets
  • State Managers: Provider, Riverpod, MobX, Get, GetX
  • Network: http, dio
  • API: chopper, graphql_flutter
  • Test: flutter_test
  • Release: App Store / Google Play Market / Web


  • Frameworks/libs: Angular / React / Vue
  • Languages: JavaScript / TypeScript
  • UI: UI Components
  • Builder: Gradle / Cocoapods
  • Native: Capacitor, Cordova
  • State Managers: NgRx, MobX, MobX State Tree, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Zustand
  • Test: Jasmine, Jest
  • Release: App Store / Google Play Market / Web

Cloud Platforms

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • MacStadium

Operating System Management and Configuration

  • Linux Distributions (Debian-Based: Ubuntu, Debian; RHEL-Based: CentOS, Fedora, RHEL; Others: Alpine, Arch Linux)
  • Windows

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

  • Heroku
  • Vercel
  • Firebase
  • Netlify

CI/CD and Automation

  • AWS CodeSuite (AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline)
  • GCP Cloud Build
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Jenkins
  • TeamCity
  • CircleCI
  • Visual Studio App Center
  • Travis CI
  • GitHub Actions
  • GitHub Actions + EKS Runners
  • Terraform Atlantis
  • AWS Step Functions

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • Terraform
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Ansible
  • Vagrant
  • Puppet
  • Serverless Framework
  • Helm
  • Kustomize
  • FluxCD


  • Datadog
  • New Relic
  • AWS CloudWatch
  • GCP Logging and Monitoring
  • IBM Instana
  • Sentry
  • Papertrail
  • Loggly
  • AWS X-Ray
  • Grafana (many sources, e.g., Prometheus)

Resources Orchestration and Management

  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Docker Swarm


  • Azure Sentinel
  • Google Security Command Center
  • AWS GuardDuty
  • AWS Detective
  • AWS Secrets Manager
  • Terraform Sentinel Policies

Specialized Services for AI, Machine Learning, Data Streaming, etc.

  • GCP Vertex AI
  • AWS SageMaker
  • AWS Kinesis
  • AWS IoT
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS EventBridge

Programming Languages

  • Python
  • Go (Golang)

Collaboration and Source Control

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • BitBucket

Computer vision

  • OpenCV
  • NumPy

Deep Learning and Machine Learning

  • Tensorflow 2
  • TFLite
  • Keras
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Pytorch

Data Ingestion and Manipulation

  • DataFlow
  • DataFusion
  • Dataproc


  • Python
  • TypeScript
  • Flask
  • C#
  • NodeJs
  • .Net

Data storage and manipulation

  • Cloud Storage
  • DataLake
  • BigQuery
  • Snowflake
  • Pandas


  • Docker
  • Kubeflow


  • Pytest

Data Visualization

  • Power BI
  • Oracle Visual Analyzer
  • Periscope Data
  • Sisense
  • Tableau Desktop
  • Plotly

CI/CD and MLOps

  • Circle CI
  • Git
  • Github
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Container registry
  • Azure
  • GCP Vertex AI
  • AWS


  • AWS
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Azure


  • WiFi
  • Z-Wave
  • Zigbee
  • BLE
  • Thread
  • Matter


  • STM32 (F0, F1, F3, F4, G0 lines)
  • ESP32

Single-board Computers

  • Raspberry Pi
  • Orange Pi
  • Jetson AGX Xavier device
  • Google Coral TPU USB Accelerator

Hardware Protocols (Interfaces)

  • SPI
  • I2C
  • USB
  • CAN
  • RS485
  • DCMI
  • et al

Wireless Network

  • Bluetooth
  • WiFi
  • Zigbee
  • LoRa et al

Network Protocols

  • TCP/IP
  • MQTT
  • HTTP
  • RPC

PCB Design Software & Tools

  • Altium Designer
  • PCAD

CAD Software

  • SolidWorks

Software for IoT and Embedded development

  • Python
  • NodeRED
  • Bash
  • JS
  • NodeJS
  • MicroPython


  • C#
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Python
  • Scala


  • Selenium
  • Playwright
  • Cypress
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • SpecFlow
  • Jest
  • jUnit
  • xUnit/nUnit
  • TestNG
  • Appium
  • Google API’s


  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Elasticsearch
  • Redis
  • MySQL
  • MsSQL


  • CircleCI
  • Git Actions
  • Jenkins
  • TeamCity
  • AzurePipeline
  • Azure DevOps
  • Bamboo

Report tools

  • CircleCI Orbs
  • Git Action nodes
  • ReportPortal
  • Allure
  • Axios webhook(slack)
  • TeamCity reports

Performance Tools

  • JMeter
  • K6
  • Octoperf
  • Gatling

Test Management Systems

  • Qase
  • TestRail
  • HP Quality Center
  • Zephyr squad

Cloud-Based Testing Services

  • Browserstack
  • Saucelab

Key Management Services

  • AWS kms
  • Microsoft Azure Key Vault
  • (Google) Cloud Key Management
  • Git Actions Secrets

Documentation Management Systems

  • Confluence
  • Guru
  • Swagger

API Testing Tools

  • Postman
  • RestSharp
  • RestAssured
  • SoapUI


  • Mockito
  • Wiremock


  • Docker
  • VNC
  • Modbus Poll
  • Selenoid
  • VirtualBox


  • Github
  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket

Case Study by Techstack

Cross-platform mobile app for hotels and restaurants

Cross-platform mobile app
for hotels and restaurants

React-based web app with no downloads or registrations


Simplified guest experience for ordering food


Automated interactions with clients have improved customer service


Industries We Develop Software For



We specialize in developing software products tailored for healthcare institutions. Our comprehensive solutions include secure data storage, seamless integration with IoT devices, and simplified patient management. Leveraging our team of experts, we provide specialized custom application development services that enhance operational efficiency and revenue generation and elevate the overall patient experience.


Transportation and Logistics

Techstack specializes in developing tailored end-to-end solutions that assist transportation and logistics companies in automating processes, tracking shipments in real-time, optimizing routes, and improving management operations. By leveraging our domain experience, you can enhance your operational agility, streamline logistics operations, and gain a competitive edge in the industry.


Renewable Energy

Techstack’s software engineers can help renewable energy companies optimize energy generation, storage, and distribution through custom software solutions. Software products that we have built help renewable energy providers with efficient monitoring of renewable assets, predictive maintenance, and data analytics for process optimization, and they allow for seamless integration with smart grid systems.


Agriculture and Farming

Leveraging 10+ years of technology expertise, we can help optimize farming operations and increase productivity and yields. We offer customized software solutions for crop monitoring, irrigation management, precision farming, and supply chain management. Our team of experts can leverage data analytics, IoT devices, and AI technology to provide real-time insights, improve farm productivity, and reduce environmental footprint.



Utilize our cross-domain expertise to enhance efficiencies in inventory, production, and quality control. Our engineers excel in diverse manufacturing sectors, customizing software to optimize workflows, enable real-time communication, cut costs by $2 million annually, and minimize errors through IoT and AI solutions.



Our custom development services for hospitality enable hotels and restaurants to optimize their daily operations and deliver exceptional guest experiences. We design and implement customized solutions, including mobile apps, reservation management systems, inventory management, and more. Our solutions boost staff productivity, reduce errors, and increase revenue by improving customer engagement.



With our in-depth domain knowledge and 10+ years of software development experience, we understand the unique demands of the entertainment sector.  Our team of developers and designers utilize modern technologies to create engaging and immersive experiences while ensuring optimal functionality and reliability.



Our solution architects possess extensive experience in developing custom software solutions for the FinTech sector. We cater to your specific FinTech needs and offer agile development approaches for quicker deployment. Our team specializes in financial platform reporting systems and ensures your robust software's scalability, reliability, and security for your fintech products.


Why Choose Techstack

Tech community

At Techstack, we create a technical community that meets our high development standards and treat development not just as a tool of work, but as an opportunity to create, improve and contribute to the product and the world.

Ownership over products

We feel ownership of the product we are creating. The best products are made when everyone works together towards a common goal. Our experts are not only responsible for the tasks they implement, but also for how those tasks will affect the product as a whole.

Proven expertise

Our team consists of experienced professionals who have proven their competency by passing global certifications such as Microsoft .NET, Web Applications, and Data Access, AWS and Google Cloud, ISTQB, KAT, PSM1 by, CSPO by Scrum Alliance.


They are a cut above any other tech suppliers we've worked with!

Clutch Review Right arrow

Darren Cody

CPO, Bunking

Techstack was able to keep our uptime and our customers happy, and we were able to make sure that our product was always functioning and working for our customers.

Clutch Review Right arrow

Mark Beare

Former VP Research & Development, Corel Corporation


Custom Software Development Experts

Tech Experts Team

Specializing in various product development areas and showing deep knowledge in their field.

Development Team

Developers, QAs and designers are the driving force behind product development.

Management Team

Managers and facilitators ensure seamless communication and product development.

Oleksii Svystun

CTO, Software Architect, Elaborates on the technology strategy

Oleksii Svystun
Vitalii Dolotov

Sr. Director of Quality Engineering, Oversees technology-related initiatives

Vitalii Dolotov
Ivan Yeremenko

VP of Engineering, Leads the Tech Experts Program and team

Ivan Yeremenko
Yevhenii Karachevtsev

R&D Engineer, Software Engineering Lead, Advises the best custom solution

Yevhenii Karachevtsev
Dmytro Dytiuk

Chief Creative Officer, Aligns UX with users’ needs / business goals

Dmytro Dytiuk
Dmytro Shtapauk

Head of Account Management, Drives cross-functional process transformation

Dmytro Shtapauk

Our Tailored Collaboration and Pricing Models

Full-cycle software development

We cover all stages, including planning, design, development, quality assurance, and deployment. Our dedicated team oversees every aspect of the process to ensure that we deliver a high-quality solution that is tailor-made to meet your unique requirements and specifications.

Dedicated team

This team will consist of a project manager, experienced engineers, QA specialists, and designers who work together towards a common goal of delivering a high-quality software product. They are completely dedicated to your product.

R&D partnership

We offer R&D partnerships for building and maintaining custom software development products. Our experienced team collaborates with clients to understand their requirements and develop an efficient and scalable solution that delivers tangible results.


Request a Free No-obligation Quote

What comes next?

Once we've received your request, one of our experts will reach out to you;
If necessary, we'll sign an NDA to safeguard your privacy;
We’ll prepare a custom proposal with a project summary (estimation, feature breakdown, tech stack, and supported platforms), a clear timeline, and team composition with CVs.
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