Integration Many Monolith Systems in Single Ecosystem via 9 Dots Menu Pattern

We developed a solution for a comprehensive sales engagement platform that encompasses content, communications, and sales intelligence, with main features including customer content uploads, conversion, editing, customization, and organization; audio/video conferencing and presentation; and capturing viewer engagement with the content. The primary objective was to eliminate the need for additional passwords, enabling users to transition seamlessly between products via a unified 9 Dots Menu Pattern. This approach provided users with unrestricted access to all available products.


Digital Transformation


Back End Development, Cloud / DevOps, Front End Development, QA as a Service


California, US



Overcoming technical challenges during the integration process, which encompass data mapping, addressing critical security concerns, and orchestrating efficient API management. The task at hand also involved ensuring the compatibility of diverse systems and establishing seamless communication within the ecosystem. This demanded rigorous testing and meticulous debugging efforts to ensure effective integration.



Our partner had a vision to simplify user access across their suite of products, and we have successfully integrated multiple independent monolithic systems into a unified ecosystem with Java on the backend. This integration will facilitate enhanced user experiences and empower users to interact seamlessly with the platform using the 9 Dots Menu Pattern. To fulfill the partner's vision, we undertook meticulous technical execution that included:

Permission Optimization

Our team meticulously configured permission settings within cloud accounts to ensure efficient synchronization. Our overarching goal was to synchronize teams, users within teams, and groups to streamline processes across the spectrum of user and product engagement.

Two-Way Synchronization and Scalability

We orchestrated the initial connection for bidirectional synchronization between systems and meticulously configured the adjustments needed for seamless integration with AWS infrastructure.

Seamless Authentication and Access

We've established a frictionless authentication and authorization process through APIs. This approach can eliminate the need for additional passwords and provides users with a unified entry point. Our single sign-on mechanism allows users to transition effortlessly between products, ensuring they have unrestricted access to all available features.

Front-End Component Integration

We collaborated closely with the partner's team to integrate a front-end component they had developed. We adhered to established rules and guidelines, ensuring a harmonious integration process using React.


Technologies Used

The technology stack utilized to integrate multiple monolith systems into a single ecosystem via the 9 Dots Menu Pattern was a robust and powerful one, designed to handle complex challenges with ease. Our team leveraged the capabilities of Java 7, 8, and 17, as well as C# and Spring, to build a strong foundation for seamless integration.


The workflow


Identification of Need

Requirement for a unified sales engagement platform.


Strategic Collaboration

Collaborated with the client's synchronization team, co-defining API standards and data prerequisites.


Seamless Setup

Established meticulous permissions and user and group management for effective synchronization.


Integration & Testing

Incrementally integrated systems, rigorously testing and meticulously debugging each integration.


About the team

Our team is composed of highly skilled professionals who bring expertise and passion to each facet of development. Here are the roles that shape our collaborative force with our partner’s team:

Team composition

  • DevOps specialists


  • Back-End Developers


  • Front-end Engineer




Through meticulous planning and the technical prowess of our team, we orchestrated a transformation of our partner's product, presenting them with a unified ecosystem that can fundamentally reshape internal operations and user engagements. Our achievements stand as testaments to our commitment to excellence:

  • Seamlessly integrating multiple monolithic systems;

  • Implementation of the innovative 9 Dots Menu Pattern, using React on the front-end and Java on the backend, has endowed the platform with a cohesive and user-friendly interface;

  • Frictionless authentication and single sign-on mechanisms have redefined user access, eliminating complexities and establishing a unified entry point.

Our vision, tenacity, and technical acumen have not only met but exceeded the expectations set forth by our partner, creating a lasting impact that resonates across processes, interactions, and the future scalability of engagement platforms.

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Techstack demonstrated exceptional technical competence, proactivity, and efficiency throughout the engagement, contributing significantly to maintaining uptime and customer satisfaction. The team's technical and thought leadership played a pivotal role in the solution's success. They seamlessly followed our project management processes and maintained clear communication.

Clutch Review
Mark Beare
Former VP Research & Development, Corel Corporation,