Processes Review and Code Refactoring of a Cross-platform Graphic Design Editor

The digital era calls for a cutting-edge, web-based graphic design editor, crafted with exceptional attention to detail. This powerful tool empowers users of any skill level to create stunning visual masterpieces with ease and flexibility. With a comprehensive suite of features, bringing ideas to life has never been more effortless.


Design Software


Front End Development, Software Testing





The product faced challenges with a lack of efficient processes, leading to suboptimal code quality and performance. To tackle these issues, it was necessary to have strong expertise in development and system design that could guide the product toward success. Through a deep understanding of the product's issues, a solid strategy needed to be put in place to overcome these challenges and push toward a more functional and effective solution.



Techstack joined when there was no QA team and no established processes. Our tech expert initiated the review of existing code, eliminated memory leaks, and implemented high process design standards relevant to enterprise systems. With that, building new features became much easier.

As the product grew, a QA team was formed, which required adjustments in process design. We introduced double-stage Kanban sprints, where the QA team tested features that the development team had designed over the last two weeks. This approach allowed them to continue building new features during ongoing testing.

Overall, our experts took part in 75 product releases and developed features from the backlog as a part of a product team.


Technologies Used

In order to address the challenges faced by the graphic design editor solution, a robust technology stack was required to enable efficient and effective development. A high-quality technology stack ensures optimal coding practices and performance, enabling our developers to create a product that is visually stunning, user-friendly, and flawless in its function.

Processes Review and Code Refactoring of a Cross-platform Graphic Design Editor

About the team

The team grew from 0 to 9 members during our cooperation

Team composition

  • QA Manager


  • QA Engineers


  • Front-end developer




1) Over the course of our cooperation, which has already lasted 3.5 years, the product has become financially self-sufficient.

2) Our enhancements contributed to code quality and ensured wide automated test coverage. 

3) Process and codebase refactoring reduced development and testing time by a factor of 3. 

4) RAM usage decreased by 1.5x after memory leak refactoring.

5) Parallel development and testing sprints ensured an uninterrupted software delivery.

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