The Next-Gen Job Board Design and Development: From Idea to Release

A job board with a broad set of features and multimedia experience. The product allows users to create job postings emphasizing visual components and focusing on the lifestyle preferences of candidates.


Human resources


Back End Development, Front End Development, UI/UX Design


Delaware, US



Our partner had a high-level idea: to disrupt the way how job boards operate. We were to elaborate on the idea and come up with a UI/UX and technical solution.




The way vacancies and resumes are usually presented turned out obsolete in the world of remote work. Text blocks with little or no formatting don’t align with human-centered design principles: they’re difficult to process, don’t evoke empathy, and pay no attention to the needs of recruiters and candidates searching for a new job.

The challenge was to provide recruiters with a state-of-the-art convenient presentation of vacancies and resumes to save effort and stand out from the crowd of other recruiters, and help candidates find new jobs in the reality of the modern world.

Our findings

  • By 2028, 73% of all departments are expected to have remote workers (Upwork).

  • Since 2009, the number of people who work from home has risen by 159% (Global Workplace Analytics).

  • 85% of managers believe that having remote workers will become the new normal for many teams (TECLA).

  • 69% of millennials would give up on certain work benefits for a more flexible working space (CBRE).

  • Remote workers save around $7,000 per year in transportation, food, and childcare (TECLA).


During the first project stage, we worked on how to translate the idea into practical implementation. Through many short iterations, we described, presented, and negotiated what needed to be done. We applied our product development expertise to advance the idea in a way that would benefit users and be based on data-driven insights. This constant feedback and improvement cycle resulted in a product UI built from scratch.

We validated a product idea and built a UI kit to simplify product functionality development and MVP that included the following features: vacancy builder, admin panel, visual customization, a landing page-like vacancy presentation view, visualizations instead of the text information, promo page for marketing, and email templates.


When the UI design was ready, our development team joined the product team to implement the tech part of the roadmap. It included a multimedia processing module and user interface built according to best practices and proactive development principles.

The Next-Gen Job Board Design and Development: From Idea to Release

Technologies Used

This technology stack is at the heart of our innovative approach, transforming the traditional job board into a dynamic and visually appealing platform for both employers and job seekers.

The Next-Gen Job Board Design and Development: From Idea to Release

The workflow


MVP scope determination

We collected customer requirements and analyzed competitors to refine the idea. End users interviews enabled us to validate the idea before implementation. Based on this research, we determined the scope of a product MVP.


UI design

We built a user flow to implement in wireframes and prototypes. Then, we created a responsive UI design that best serves end-users’ needs.


Web development

We built the front- and back-end of the web platform, which included design implementation process maintenance. At the end of the development, we conducted a product release.


About the team

Different stages of development required different competencies. We assembled the team taking into account the actual needs of the product, shrinking or expanding the composition as needed.

Team composition

  • UI/UX Designer


  • Project Manager


  • тSoftware Engineer




Agility, reasonable decision-making, and a data-driven approach allowed us to focus on building long-term value, which includes justified system design with an emphasis on features that will bring the biggest value to users.

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