Energy Balancing Platform To Maximize Energy Efficiency

Our partner came to us with a groundbreaking idea: building an energy balancing system optimized for off-peak periods. Since the idea was new, we recommended starting product journey with PoC and MVP. 

With this software solution, our partner can become a balancing service provider and improve the overall efficiency of the energy system by managing bills and streamlining the bids and invoicing process for energy providers.




Back End Development, Cloud / DevOps





Our team tackled various technical and operational challenges:

  • Research and technology integration: Extensive research was conducted to understand how to create a platform that could seamlessly connect with the Fingrid Energy Balancing System.

  • EDC/EDX tools implementation: We installed and configured EDC/EDX tools to manage bids and signals from the Fingrid system.

  • MVP development: A bespoke software was developed for tracking bids, saving data into a database, and managing energy consumption.

  • Activation app development: We developed an application to manage hardware connections and system load, ensuring optimal operation and energy efficiency.

  • Financial reporting system: The implementation of a reporting system streamlined the creation of financial reports and invoices.



The goal was clear - to enter and transform the Finnish energy market with a cost-effective energy balancing solution. The MVP we developed focused on key features necessary for a proof of concept in efficient energy balancing. These included:

  • Energy balancing platform MVP: This was a streamlined version tailored to the core functionalities necessary for bidding within the Fingrid Energy Balancing System. It was crafted using Python and Java, harnessing their powerful capabilities for complex calculations and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Report and invoice module: We created simple yet effective tools for generating reports and invoices related to energy balancing services. This module was designed to provide clear, concise documentation essential for both our partner and their clients.

  • Energy consumption management: Basic features for managing and tracking energy consumption and bills were integrated. This aspect was crucial for assessing the efficiency of the energy balancing system.

This entire energy balancing system was hosted on the AWS cloud, ensuring high availability, scalability, and security. AWS's robust infrastructure supported the heavy computational needs and data storage requirements of our system.

However, it is important to note that due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with our partner, we are unable to disclose specific technical details of the solution. This NDA is in place to protect the proprietary technology and innovative approaches used in developing this unique energy balancing system.

Energy Balancing Platform To Maximize Energy Efficiency

Technologies Used

From robust backend languages and frameworks to innovative cloud development tools, each technology was chosen for its proven effectiveness and ability to synergize with other components of our platform. The integration of these technologies not only enhanced the platform's performance but also ensured its adaptability in the rapidly evolving energy market.

Energy Balancing Platform To Maximize Energy Efficiency

The workflow

In the development of the MVP for an energy balancing platform, emphasizing agile processes was a strategic decision, recognizing that building a new product in a dynamic sector like energy often necessitates flexibility and the ability to pivot quickly in response to emerging trends, user feedback, and technological advancements.



We engaged with potential users, industry experts, and other stakeholders to validate the concept and gather market insights. Our dedicated team of experts clearly defined the scope of the MVP, focusing on core functionalities like bid management, report generation, and energy consumption tracking.



Based on the insights gathered in discussions with stakeholders, we created a detailed development plan with timelines, milestones, and deliverables.



We adopted an Agile development approach to allow for iterative development and flexibility. Since it was an MVP, our skilled engineers focused on developing the essential features of the MVP, ensuring they were functional and user-friendly, while proving the value of this software solution.


User testing and feedback

We released the MVP to a limited user base for beta testing to gather real-world feedback. This feedback will help identify areas for improvement and refine the product.


Review and future planning

We evaluated the MVP's performance against predefined goals, user feedback, and energy management system. The launch of an MVP was successful, and our partner is going to continue the development and add additional features and enhancements for subsequent versions based on the MVP's performance.


About the team

At the core of our team's philosophy is a steadfast commitment to Agile processes, a methodology that empowers us to deliver exceptional results in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. Our team is not just a group of individuals working together; we are a cohesive unit that thrives on collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement.

Team composition

  • PM


  • Software engineer


  • DevOps




The MVP of the Energy Balancing Platform represents a pivotal step in our partner’s journey toward developing a full-scale, robust solution for the energy market. By combining technological innovation with a skilled team, we’ve established a strong foundation for future enhancements and larger-scale deployment, showcasing our commitment to advancing energy management solutions in a rapidly evolving market.

The MVP version of our energy-balancing platform totally aced all the tests, and we're gearing up to launch it into production pretty soon. It's an exciting time ahead for our partner and our development team!

Despite being an MVP, the platform marked several achievements:

  • Foundation for market participation: Enabled clients to start participating as Balancing Service Providers.

  • Streamlined financial processes: Simplified generation of financial reports and invoices for energy services.

  • Scalable data management: Laid the groundwork for a scalable data storage and management system.

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Henri Yoki
CEO & Founder,
Exaum Oy Ltd