Energy Storage System for Solar Energy

Our team took on the tech challenge of building a custom energy storage system to be integrated into a complex energy management system for our partner. While conducting the initial research, we discovered that EMS needed a custom system for solar energy storage.

This system needed to be configured to synergize with solar panels, batteries, and PV inverters, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced efficiency and reliability. Our dedication to innovation and excellence places this product at the forefront of sustainable energy solutions. It provides a compelling and forward-thinking option for discerning clients.




Back End Development, Cloud / DevOps, Internet of Things


Los Angeles, CA, USA



The key problem was to provide an efficient way to store and manage solar energy during its peak production hours and support the power grid in its peak usage hours. To solve this key challenge, the partner needed a custom energy storage system. While developing the energy storage solution, we encountered several challenges, including:

  • Developing a custom solution from scratch

The challenge we faced arose from the limitations of existing bundles in the open-source community, which failed to meet the specific requirements of our partner. As a result, it was necessary to create a new, custom-designed software solution intricately designed to work seamlessly with solar panels, batteries, and PV inverters. The task at hand was not merely about enhancing what already existed; it was about pioneering from the ground up.

  • Integration complexity

The task of developing software that flawlessly integrates with diverse hardware components, like solar panels, batteries, and PV inverters, was particularly challenging. Each of these components operates on distinct protocols and data formats, requiring a highly versatile and robust software architecture. This complexity called for a profound understanding of each component's operational dynamics and a strategic approach to create a unified, cohesive system.

  • Software scalability

As the energy system expands, the software must be capable of scaling effectively. This involves accommodating an increasing number of users, devices, and growing data volumes without compromising on performance or efficiency. Scalability is crucial to ensure that the system remains reliable and efficient even as it grows, requiring foresight in design and flexibility in implementation.

  • Interoperability with other systems

The software needed to ensure compatibility and seamless interaction with other existing systems, such as grid infrastructure and various smart home or industrial automation systems. This interoperability is essential for a holistic, integrated energy solution. It involves complex system communication protocols and data exchange standards, necessitating a sophisticated and adaptable software design.

  • Adaptability to future technologies

In a rapidly evolving field like renewable energy, software solutions must be designed with the future in mind. This means creating a system that is not only robust and efficient today, but also flexible enough to adapt to upcoming technological advancements in renewable energy and storage solutions. The software architecture should be modular and upgradeable to accommodate new features and technologies as they emerge.



Our experts were responsible for prototyping and developing a custom energy storage system. The partner approached us with the vision of creating a cutting-edge grid-edge energy management system. However, they found that existing solutions in open-source projects failed to meet their specific needs. 

Thus, our task was to devise a new system that could be integrated harmoniously with solar panels, batteries, and PV inverters. The product needed to cater to the specific needs of our partner and be seamlessly integrated within the existing energy infrastructure as well as the energy management system. 

Energy Storage System for Solar Energy

Technologies Used

Our solar energy storage system, part of a comprehensive EMS, is built on a foundation of proven and synergistic technologies. From the robustness of Java and the flexibility of OSGi Framework to the precision of JUnit and the connectivity of Apache PLC4X, each component was selected for its effectiveness.

Energy Storage System for Solar Energy

The workflow

Our workflow in creating a solar energy storage system emphasized flexibility and agility, starting with a detailed consultation to grasp our partner's unique needs. Despite exploring open-source technologies, we pivoted to developing custom prototypes to ensure alignment with our goals. This led to the bespoke software development phase, where our focus was on crafting a scalable and efficient solution.


Initial consultation and assessment of open-source technologies

Our journey began with an in-depth consultation phase with our partner to understand their specific needs for the energy storage system. We conducted a thorough assessment of existing open-source technologies to determine their suitability for our project's requirements. After a comprehensive evaluation, it became evident that open-source projects, while valuable, did not fully meet the specific demands of our partner’s project.



Transitioning to the prototyping stage, we developed initial models of the energy storage system. These prototypes served as tangible representations for testing basic functionality and integration potential with solar panels, batteries, and PV inverters.


Software development

With clear insights from the prototyping phase, we embarked on the core phase of software development. This stage involved the creation of custom software from scratch, tailored specifically to integrate with the proposed energy system components. Our team focused on building a robust, scalable, and efficient software solution.


Integration testing

This crucial phase ensured that the software interacted seamlessly with the hardware components and that all elements worked in unison as intended. Any issues identified during integration testing were promptly addressed and resolved.


Final deployment

Upon successful testing, the system is ready for final deployment.


About the team

Our custom energy storage system was built by a skilled and dedicated team. Each of the five team members brought their own expertise to the project, playing an important part in making it work.

Team composition

  • Fullstack Engineer


  • Front End Engineer


  • QA Engineer


  • DevOps Engineers




The system has been successfully deployed to the testing environment while development is still in progress. Based on its design and functionalities, we can anticipate several significant impacts that the solution could offer. Here is an exploration of the potential benefits and contributions this system should bring:

  • Enhanced energy management: This optimization leads to more efficient energy use during both peak and off-peak hours, showcasing a major step forward in energy resource management.

  • Increased system reliability: The system is predicted to contribute substantially to the overall stability and consistency of the energy management system, ensuring a steady and dependable energy supply.

  • Cost efficiency: Using software to optimize energy usage and incorporate predictive maintenance capabilities effectively results in notable operational cost savings. 

  • Contribution to smart grids: The software plays an important role in integrating renewable energy systems into smart grid architectures. This is important for the further development of a network of integrated electric vehicle charging stations, contributing to the advancement of smart, interconnected energy networks.

  • Positive environmental impact: Efficient management of energy resources, as facilitated by our system, significantly reduces the carbon footprint. By promoting sustainable energy practices, this system plays a vital role in fostering environmental stewardship and supporting global sustainability goals.

The design and functionalities of this energy storage system have transformative impacts in the realms of energy efficiency, reliability, cost savings, user empowerment, smart grid integration, and environmental sustainability.

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