AI-Powered Virtual Assistant for a Healthcare Provider

Our team helped to improve an AI-powered virtual assistant for a healthcare provider, focusing on cancer risk assessment. This innovative solution combines advanced language models with specialized medical knowledge to provide personalized risk evaluations for patients. Our team was responsible for integrating OpenAI's cutting-edge technology, specifically their ChatGPT model, known for its advanced natural language processing capabilities, and improving the virtual assistant developed by our client's in-house development team.




AI & ML, Back End Development


United States



Healthcare providers face increasing demands for quick, accurate, and personalized cancer risk assessments. Traditional methods are often time-consuming and may not always incorporate the latest medical knowledge.

The challenge was to create a solution that could efficiently process patient information, provide accurate risk assessments, and keep up with rapidly evolving medical research within tight deadlines.

In the process of business research and analysis, our client defined the following challenges: 

  • Information processing overload

Healthcare providers are inundated with vast amounts of patient data, medical histories, and research papers. Processing this information manually is time-consuming and prone to human error. Our AI assistant can rapidly analyze large volumes of data, extracting relevant information for risk assessments.

  • Keeping pace with medical advancements

The field of oncology is rapidly evolving, with new research and treatment protocols emerging regularly. It's challenging for healthcare professionals to stay up to date. An AI-powered assistant can be continuously updated with the latest medical knowledge, ensuring up-to-date risk assessments.

  • Personalization at scale

Each patient's cancer risk profile is unique, based on a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Providing personalized assessments at scale is a significant challenge that AI can help overcome by processing individual patient data and generating tailored risk profiles.

  • Consistency in risk assessment

Traditional methods can lead to variations in risk assessments between different healthcare providers. An AI assistant can provide consistent evaluations based on standardized protocols and the most current medical knowledge.

  • Efficient triage and resource allocation

Identifying high-risk patients quickly and accurately is crucial for effective resource allocation in healthcare settings. An AI-powered system can help prioritize cases and guide decision-making for further tests or consultations.

  • Integrating multi-modal data

Cancer risk assessment involves analyzing diverse data types, including textual records, imaging results, and genetic information. An AI assistant can integrate and analyze these varied data sources more effectively than traditional methods.

  • Scalability of expertise

There's a global shortage of oncology specialists. An AI assistant can extend the reach of expert knowledge, providing support to healthcare providers in underserved areas or resource-limited settings.

  • Limited time 

As a software development provider, we also faced a major challenge: limited time. We had only two weeks to improve the product and help launch an MVP version of the OpenAI powered virtual assistant.



To address these challenges, we implemented a comprehensive AI Assistant Concept:

  • Advanced language model integration

We utilized OpenAI's GPT4o model, known for its sophisticated natural language understanding and generation capabilities. We developed and optimized instructions using prompt engineering and used RAG to make the model aware of domain knowledge. This allows the system to process complex medical information and communicate effectively with patients.

  • User-friendly interface

We designed an intuitive web application using React and TypeScript using ready-made libraries (Material UI)  to deliver the solution on time, making it easy for both healthcare providers and patients to interact with the AI assistant.

  • Scalable infrastructure

By leveraging AWS hosting, we ensured that the system could handle increasing user loads without compromising performance.

  • Ethical considerations

We incorporated strict privacy measures and ethical guidelines to ensure patient data protection and responsible AI use in healthcare.

AI-Powered Virtual Assistant for a Healthcare Provider

Technologies Used

We've combined cutting-edge web development frameworks with state-of-the-art AI models and cloud hosting to create a powerful, user-friendly system. This technology stack not only supports the complex requirements of processing medical data and generating accurate risk assessments but also provides a smooth, responsive experience for both healthcare providers and patients.

AI-Powered Virtual Assistant for a Healthcare Provider

The workflow

This development workflow allowed our client to integrate our team into their in-house development workflows and create a comprehensive, reliable, and user-friendly AI-powered solution for cancer risk assessment, addressing the complex challenges faced by healthcare providers.


Requirement analysis

  • We began by conducting in-depth interviews with healthcare professionals to understand their needs and challenges in cancer risk assessment.


Knowledge base development

  • The in-house team of medical experts and data scientists curated a comprehensive knowledge base, incorporating the latest research in oncology, risk factors, and prevention strategies.


AI model selection and prompt engineering

  • We evaluated various LLMs, ultimately choosing OpenAI's GPT4o for its advanced capabilities. We then fine-tuned the model using our specialized expertise.


Assessment protocol design

  • Working closely with oncologists, our client developed a set of assessment instructions and protocols to guide the AI's interactions and ensure medically sound evaluations.


Integration of AI and knowledge base

  • Our engineers integrated the fine-tuned AI model with the custom knowledge base, creating a unified system capable of processing patient data and medical information.


User interface development

  • We designed and built a user-friendly web application using ready-made libraries, focusing on intuitive navigation for both patients and healthcare providers.


Backend development

  • Using Node.js, we created a robust backend to handle data processing, AI interactions, and secure storage of patient information.


Testing and validation

  • Our client's in-house team used a comprehensive set of test cases to conduct rigorous testing to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the AI's assessments.


Deployment and scaling

  • The in-house tech team of the client deployed the solution on AWS, configuring it for high availability and scalability to handle varying user loads. Such an approach allows for unmatched flexibility for future growth and product expansion.


About the team

This diverse group collaborated with our client’s in-house development team to create a solution that bridges the gap between cutting-edge AI technology and practical medical applications.

Team composition

  • Full stack developer


  • Data scientist




The implementation of our custom OpenAI-powered virtual assistant for cancer risk assessment should lead to significant improvements in healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

By leveraging advanced AI technology, we've been able to address critical challenges in the oncology field, resulting in far-reaching impacts that benefit patients, healthcare providers, and the broader healthcare system. But it’s just a start of the Ai journey for our client.

We helped launch an MVP version of the AI-powered virtual assistant within the agreed timeframe (app. 2 weeks). In the long run, this assistant will become an integral part of a patient management system to analyze cancer risks for all the patients based on the data provided and improve accuracy and consistency for early cancer detection and prevention of late-stage cancer cases. 

  • Faster and more accessible cancer risk assessments for patients

  • Reduced workload for healthcare professionals

  • Improved accuracy and consistency in risk evaluations

  • Ability to quickly incorporate the latest medical research into assessments

  • Potential for early detection and prevention of cancer cases

  • Enhanced patient engagement and understanding of personal health risks

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