On May 21st in support of the UN initiative, Techstack celebrated The International Day for Biological Diversity, organizing several activities for our team.
Within the scope of the Post-2015 Development Agenda's Sustainable Development Goals, the UN established International Day for Biological Diversity. In this initiative, we reflect on the fact that climate change and the topic of biodiversity concern every person. In light of this occasion, we would like to draw attention to the problems with agriculture, desertification, drought, water and sanitation, knowledge-sharing and capacity-building, urban resilience and adaptation, health and sustainable development, energy, oceans and seas, forests and food security, and more. So, Techstack decided to contribute to solving one of the most relevant issues for the Ukrainian environment ─ deforestation. We had 1,350 trees planted (10 for each of our team members) to replace those that are being steadily cut down.
We hope that freshly planted trees will soon become a real forest that will offer shelter to animals and plants that had lost their homes due to massive deforestation. Our team also anticipates that the forest will contribute to the sustainability of the Ukrainian and world climate and make the air we breathe clearer.
Techstack wanted to give a chance to each of its team members to make their own contribution to the initiative and sent them all tabletop kits for planting small pine trees that will generate oxygen and remind people about the importance of building sustainable relationships with the environment. Â
As a quite large software engineering company, Techstack realizes its impact on the environment and tries to compensate for its CO2 emissions by planting trees, reducing energy consumption in the office, organizing separate waste recycling, and initiating other activities aimed at reducing our negative effects on the environment.
We are proud to find support from our team members in our eco-initiatives and hope to contribute more to the project of sustainable development in the future. Likewise, Techstack encourages all our partners, colleagues, and friends to join similar initiatives.