A One-Stop Cross-Platform Mobile App For The Hospitality Industry

ServeMe is a one-stop platform for the hospitality industry. This cross-platform mobile app enhances customer satisfaction, streamlines service delivery, and improves operational efficiency. With real-time capabilities, localization support, and dynamic menus, ServeMe provides a seamless and personalized experience, elevating the overall quality of service in the industry with the idea: “We are where the client is.




Back End Development, Front End Development, Mobile Development





The process involved creating a new product from ideation to MVP, focusing on identifying the problems faced by users in the hospitality sector and exploring opportunities for process automation to bring value to businesses. Three main challenges were encountered:

  1. Improving the user location algorithm

  2. Simplifying the user entry point

  3. Ensuring the highest level of data security for all system components

These challenges were addressed through iterative development and careful analysis, resulting in a streamlined product that enhances user experiences in the hospitality industry.



Our team developed a cross-platform mobile app for enhanced hospitality services. It seamlessly worked with Bluetooth iBeacons, NFC chips, and QR codes. The product included two mobile apps and an admin panel. JavaScript (JS) and the MEAN stack were used for efficient functionality. A web version was created using React to simplify user access, resulting in higher entry rates and increased app usage. We also redesigned the app to improve its social aspect and clarity based on UX testing insights. This solution streamlined service processes and greatly enhanced user experiences in the hospitality industry.

From Idea to MVP Development

In late 2016, we identified the challenges of getting a waiter's attention at restaurants and the time-consuming nature of service. This led us to develop a cross-platform mobile app that enables users to quickly send service requests and connect with waiters. Our solution improved convenience for individuals tired of waiting and enhances service experiences in the hospitality sector.

Using JavaScript (JS), we created a prototype was consisted of two mobile apps—one for clients and another for establishment staff. Clients only needed to configure the app once to align with their preferences and location. By scanning a QR code, clients could identify their location and send service requests to staff members.

To develop the mobile apps, we utilized Ionic as well as Cordova, a widely-used JavaScript solution that streamlined the development process by utilizing the same programming language for backend and web development. For the server side, we employed the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js), which provided a comprehensive solution for web and backend functionalities. The front end of the admin panel was developed using AngularJS.

To automate notifications, we integrated the SignalR library, which simplified native application compilation and seamlessly worked with JavaScript. For hosting, we relied on AWS, starting with basic configurations during the MVP phase and later adopting a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) system with multiple environments for automated deployments.

Improving User Location Identification

We kept developing and maintaining the product, and it was supplemented with new features:

  • the spot scanning process as the entry point to the application was supplemented by NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, which made it easier and more convenient;

  • using iBeacon technology and a two-dimensional navigation algorithm, we implemented the ability to enter the application without scanning a location;

  • using Socket.IO, we supplemented the platform components with the “real-time notifications” function, thus, the staff would receive requests from guests instantly.

implifying the user entry point

After resolving the scanning issue, we focused on enhancing the feedback and data analysis system for better user retention. Through UX testing, we found the need to simplify the entry point, which previously involved downloading the app via a QR code scan and receiving a download link. This process proved complex for users.

To address this, we developed a React-based web app as an alternative. The direct link led users to the web version, eliminating the need for downloads or configurations. Users could immediately access available actions and submit requests without additional steps.

This approach streamlined user onboarding, providing a simplified and hassle-free experience. However, for users who desired additional features after using the web version, we still offered the option to download the application. This allowed them to enjoy the benefits of the web version and explore further functionalities if desired. The web version led to a 200% increase in the User Entry Rate and a 50% increase in mobile application downloads, as users had a positive experience with the web version and wanted to access advanced functionality through the mobile app.

Ensuring the highest level of data security for all system components

The code goes through several stages of review, including code review by two developers, static code analysis tools, QA team review, business review, and UX development teams.

We have achieved over 90% unit test code coverage for all parts of the product. Additionally, we perform security and penetration testing to ensure the code meets the highest standards of excellence. This focus on data security ensures a reliable and secure system, minimizing vulnerabilities and unauthorized access. Clients and users can have confidence in the protection of their data and secure interactions with the app.

Serve Me (interface)

Technologies Used

In order to develop a robust and user-friendly cross-platform mobile app for the hospitality industry, the ServeMe team opted for a technology stack that leveraged the latest and most effective tools available. By using JavaScript (JS) and the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js), we achieved high efficiency in terms of development speed, code logic, and maintainability.

A One-Stop Cross-Platform Mobile App For The Hospitality Industry

The workflow


Idea Formation



  • UX sessions with business owners


MVP Development


Public launch


Product market fit research

  • Testing in real places


Testing in real places


Continuous improvements and support

  • Improving User Location Identification

  • Simplifying the user entry point


About the team

Team composition

  • CTO


  • PM


  • UX/UI Designer


  • Back-end developers


  • Front-end developers


  • QA




ServeMe, as a cross-platform mobile app, has enhanced customer satisfaction, streamlined service delivery, and improved operational efficiency in the hospitality sector. Through iterative development and careful analysis, ServeMe has evolved into a streamlined and secure solution, providing the following benefits:

Higher customer satisfaction: ServeMe prioritizes enhancing user experiences and facilitating efficient service requests, leading to heightened levels of customer satisfaction within the hospitality industry.

Increased user engagement: The web version of the one-stop cross-platform mobile app effectively addressed challenges and improved user onboarding, resulting in higher user entry rates and increased engagement with the app's functionalities.

Improved customer service and added value: ServeMe's automated interactions with clients have improved customer service, adding value to the hospitality industry. Successful partnerships, such as with JW Marriott Hotels and Metro Cash and Carry, testify to the app's convenience and functionality.

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