Order Management and Automation System for Hotels and Restaurants

The ServeMe is a set of technical solutions for the hospitality industry which was created with the idea ”We are where the client is”. ServeMe Orders automates the management of orders and requests and provides constant communication with customers and guests wherever they are.




Back End Development, Front End Development, Mobile Development, Software Testing





Our main goal was to develop a product that improves customer service in hotels and restaurants by automating interaction processes with the place’s clients and guests.



We built the web portal and mobile application for hotels and large restaurant complexes with the following features:

A staff app

  • Browsing orders

  • Accepting and processing orders

  • Order delivery

  • Browsing staff activities in real time

  • NFC chip programming

  • Real-time order status updates

An administrative panel that helps

  • Create and manage the restaurant's menu (photos of dishes, descriptions, dish weight, presence of allergens), customize dishes

  • Manage staff

  • Maintain statistics on service quality: most popular items, staff productivity, and number of orders

  • Show answers to the most frequent guest questions

  • Carry out promotions among guests of the establishment

  • Receive feedback on the quality of service

  • Send marketing promotions

  • Multi-location functionality for browsing multiple restaurants/hotels within the panel

A web application

  • Digital menu

  • Online ordering

  • Notifying the staff about guest inquiries

  • Automatic FAQ

  • Browsing history of all orders made in all associated hotels/restaurants

  • Browsing promotions

  • Order status bar

  • Rating staff the is serving the guest

A guest application

Duplicate features of a web application

Finding the delivery location based on where the guest is using QR / NFC

Push notifications about changing the order status in the application

Order Management and Automation System for Hotels and Restaurants

Technologies Used

At the core of the ServeMe ecosystem is a highly scalable and efficient cloud-based infrastructure, designed to handle orders and requests with lightning speed and minimum downtime. The system is built using modern front-end technologies such as Angular and React, which enable the creation of highly responsive, mobile-friendly user interfaces that work seamlessly across different devices.

Order Management and Automation System for Hotels and Restaurants

The workflow



The prototype was written using JavaScript on the back-end and front-end, including the apps for guests and staff.


Server development

For server development, we chose the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular.JS, Node.JS), for mobile apps – Angular.JS, Ionic and PhoneGap platforms.


Feedback and fixing errors

When the prototype was ready, we proceeded to test it. After fixing errors and improving several processes, we launched the product.


Implementing spot scanning

After the launch, we kept developing and maintaining the product. We implemented QR-code scanning via camera and NFC spot scanning.


iBeacon integration

Using iBeacon tech and a two-dimensional navigation algorithm, we implemented the ability to enter the app without scanning a spot.


Real-time notifications

Using Socket.IO, we supplemented the platform components with real-time notifications so that the staff could receive requests from guests instantly.


Web product version development

After we learned that some of the clients and guests of the restaurants and hotels found the app's entry point quite complicated, we decided to develop a web version of the product that would allow a customer to interact with the establishment staff without downloading it.


About the team

Regarding reaching our product goals, the team relies on the Scrum methodology for our processes and the OKR system for setting and tracking our objectives and key results. This combination helps us stay organized and focused on our end goal while still allowing for agility and adaptation as necessary.

Team composition

  • Product Owner


  • Team Lead


  • Full-stack developer


  • Front-end developer


  • QA manual


  • UX / UI Designer




The product we designed and built showed terrific results. After simplifying the entry point, the User Entry Rate increased by 200% and the mobile app downloads increased by 50%: having a positive experience from using the web version, users downloaded the mobile app with advanced features. Enabling an automated interaction with clients wherever they are, we improved customer service and added value to the hospitality industry.

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